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Search Results for: TECHSPEC (5)

液態鏡片 M12 成像鏡頭

TECHSPEC® Liquid Lens M12 Imaging Lenses from Edmund Optics combine a high-resolution with the electronic auto-focus of an integrated liquid lens

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液態鏡頭 Cx 系列定焦鏡頭

TECHSPEC® Liquid Lens Cx Series Fixed Focal Length Lenses from Edmund Optics offer both high resolution and fast electronic focus.

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MercuryTL™ 整合液態鏡頭的遠心鏡頭

The TECHSPEC® MercuryTL™ Liquid Lens Telecentric Lenses combine the parallax error correction and high image quality of a telecentric lens with the flexibility of an integrated liquid lens.

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Learn how Highly-Dispersive Mirrors compensate for dispersion and compress pulse duration in ultrafast laser systems, which is critical for maximizing performance.

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組裝液態鏡頭 Cx 系列鏡頭

Learn how to insert a liquid lens into a modular TECHSPEC Liquid Lens Cx Series Fixed Focal Length Lens Assembly from Edmund Optics.

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